Vegetarianism…a Fad?

vegiesSome famous people (like Natalie Portman, Alec Baldwin, Bill Clinton), local celebrities (like Yasmin Kurdie), other health professionals are into Vegetarianism.  Vegetarians, according to Webster’s dictionary, are the people who does not eat meat, fish, or fowl.  For so many reasons, my family are into it, at least for quiet a time now.

My husband and I, with our two kids, became fond of dining at the fancy restaurants, eating at some locally-acknowledged fast food chains who readily offer some mouth-watering food with so much content of msg(monosodium glutamate), creamy pastries and pastas, palatable- meaty- viands, with unlimited rice, and overflowing drinks…errr… these made me crave for more, so much so that, we chose to spend incredible amount of money, just to get a taste of my once-fav menus.  This just didn’t bother me at all.  I am left justifying it’s fine, I needed this to get me going, to pamper myself, after all, this is the reason why I’m working my ass too hard.  This became our habit!

I am a health professional, I have enough knowledge of the effects of consuming high-fatty and high-salty foods.  Not to mention the increasing mortality and morbidity rate of diseases related to our Lifestyle and the wrong choice of food, and to top it all, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, arthritis, constipation, cardiovascular diseases, obesity—these are just few of the health problems that people nowadays are suffering.  But, having one of these is but a CHOICE!

Cravings?  Yes, I have cravings initially.  Fried chicken, Meaty-meals are my weaknesses.  Sugar makes me crave for more.  MSG (monosodium glutamate) makes me crave even more.  I find it kind’a hard to resist.  I thought having to consume these kind of food makes me somebody who is updated with “food that’s in“, just being able to dine at the newly-opened fancy restaurants, having some new experiences to brag about… a never-ending habit.

Sometime this month, we were sent to join an organization of local health professionals.  I, with my family, were made to listen to some lectures on healthy lifestyle, vegetarianism.  It was not my first time to listen to such a lecture.  But my kids were filled with awe.  It was when we went home, that my little girl finally uttered “mum, can we try vegetarianism?” 😀  It was a surprise!

I said to myself, wheew! This will be another struggle for me.  Another challenge.  Another “try”.  Just stay focus.  Advantage weighs more than the taste.  Challenging food preparations.  Stay simple.  Humming these words to my mind, at least had kept me awake and stayed focus.

Some writers wrote about some celebrities who were vegetarians (visit, for some reasons: to stay fit, to stay healthy, to stay young and adoringly beautiful!  I may have the same reasons as they are, but never to forget, that this is one of the things that we need to HAVE A FULL LIFE!

Being a vegetarian may not be easy, not a walk-in-the-park, I have to sacrifice the kind of food that I love since I was a child but I know, nothing beats determination, motivation, support from my family and friends and SELF-DISCIPLINE.

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